Hydrogen is emerging as a promising option to decarbonize power generation, transportation, and other industries. One of the most significant barriers to scaling up hydrogen use is the lack of a transportation network. Currently, hydrogen is transported via high-pressure tube trailers and liquefied hydrogen tankers, but these methods are not economically feasible for large-scale and […]
Greening agriculture: Green ammonia and beyond
Ammonia plays a crucial role in fertilizer production, with 70% of the global demand for ammonia attributed to fertilizer production. Traditionally, ammonia is produced via a carbon-intensive process known as the Haber-Bosch process using hydrogen which is produced via an energy-intensive process, contributing to CO2 emissions via fossil fuel use. The Haber-Bosch process results in […]
How large can the AI market grow?
Recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), cloud computing, and other technologies are leading to rapid implementation in various industries around the world. These developments have only been possible due to recent increases in computing power and availability of vast datasets needed to train AI programs. This along with improved algorithms for training […]
Refineries improving margins through better utilization of off-gas streams
Hydrocarbon-rich off-gas streams from distillation, conversion, cracking, and other processes are collected to heat various processes throughout refineries and petrochemical plants. Examples of these off-gas streams include still gas, the top product from a refinery’s distillation column, and steam cracker tail gas, which is composed mostly of methane and hydrogen. Aggregation of these off-gas streams […]
Top chemical companies transitioning toward sustainability
One of the largest problems affecting the chemical industry in recent years has been the pressure to transition toward clean energy and reduce carbon emissions. More than 20 of the firms in the Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) Global Top 50 have made investments recently in sustainability or currently have sustainability projects in development. At […]
New growth opportunities in compressor markets
Compressors are used in a wide range of applications in the oil and gas, energy, and petrochemical industries. The growing hydrogen, carbon capture, biofuels, and other energy transition markets present new opportunities for compressor companies. Many of these industries are being built from the ground up, offering years of growth for compressors and related equipment […]
What’s new with hydrogen in transportation?
The transportation sector has the highest reliance on fossil fuels and accounted for 37% of CO2 emissions from end-use sectors in 2021. Various industries of the transportation sector have started researching hydrogen as an alternative fuel source, and in this blog, ADI will look at the technological progress that has been made and some of […]
2023 Hydrogen Outlook: Will the rubber meet the road?
Circa 2005, I was part of a fuels strategy team at an oil company when hydrogen was riding the second wave of hype (the first was during the oil crises of 1970s) following President George Bush’s proclamation of building a hydrogen economy. That along with high oil and gas prices led us through a deep […]
Greener skies: Part I: A jet fuel and sustainable aviation fuel market outlook
Aviation is one of the hard-to-abate industries when it comes to decarbonization. COVID-induced lockdowns and the recession that closely followed slashed global aviation demand by 42% in 2020 compared to 2019. This also resulted in the lowest CO2 emissions from the aviation industry in over two decades dropping from about a billion tons of CO2 […]
Floating light: The potential of hydrogen as a marine fuel
The global shipping industry is one of the hard-to-abate industries when it comes to decarbonization. While it constitutes a small share of global CO2 emissions today, it may see astronomical amount of growth if left unchecked. Global shipping industry demand is expected to see a 275% increase by 2050 compared to 2020 levels. To address […]