California signed the Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act (SB 54) into law in June 2022 to reduce plastic waste generation and increase recycling in the state. The law sets plastic source reduction goals, imposing strict compliance, reporting, and fee requirements on manufacturers, distributors, and retailers of single-use packaging and other covered materials. […]
ICE car bans: What? Where? When?
Internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles have been commercially available since the late 1800s when Carl Benz patented the now historic Benz Patent Motor Car, model no. 1, and for over 100 years they have been integral to transportation around the world. But now with the world advancing with energy transition, we are seeing steps towards […]
March 2011: How Expensive is the Cost to Operate? A Review of the Economics of Fuel Regulations- NPRA Annual Meeting
March 2011- The 2011 NPRA Annual Meeting was held on March 20-22, 2011, at Marriott Rivercenter in San Antonio, TX. CEO of ADI Analytics, Uday Turaga along with Subbaraman Viswanathan presented on “How Expensive is the Cost to Operate? A Review of the Economics of Fuel Regulations.” The overall goal of the report was to review the cost […]
2017 ADI Forum Highlights: Regulatory Environment
ADI Analytics hosted its first North America Natural Gas and NGL forum in Houston late February. The forum was well-attended with representatives from a wide range of companies including integrated oil and gas majors, refiners, E&P independents, industrial gas suppliers, equipment providers, technology licensors, investors, and media outlets. The forum featured several presentations by ADI […]
Summary of the LNG Export Regulatory Process
Liquefied natural gas export projects in the United States have many hurdles to jump over before they can commence operations. One of the largest hoops to jump is the regulatory hoop. In the United States there are two major agencies that handle regulatory approvals for LNG exporting projects. First, is the U.S. Department of Energy […]
New LNG Export Project Planned in Louisiana
Live Oak LNG is the latest North American LNG export project to be announced. It joins 40 some other projects that have been announced since the increase in shale gas production. Live Oak estimates that their five million mtpa project will be in service by the end of 2019. However, Live Oak’s timeline is likely […]