November 5, 2019- ADI Analytics spoke on 'Natural Gas Markets,' at the University of Houston-Bauer Energy Club. UH Energy, part of University of Houston, provides a trained workforce, strategic and technical leadership, research, and development of innovations and technologies for their students and the energy industry.
ADI's presentation outlined key insights for the natural gas markets, discussing gas supply growth, gas demand challenges, gas conversion to fuel, and gas exports as the primary monetization strategy. We also explained emissions and growing concerns for gas exports.
Using our consulting expertise in oil and gas, energy, and chemical companies, we delivered insights on growing natural gas demand in the power sector, along with growing interest in monetization options for natural gas. Interest is also increasing in reducing fugitive methane emissions from companies like ExxonMobil and Shell, leading to investments in startups such as Clarke Valve for investors including the Oil & Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) for developing new technologies for the reduction of methane emissions.
To learn more about natural gas and the role it will play for the U.S, access our full report on natural gas markets by filling out the information below: