Ten years ago today, sitting on the couch in my apartment, I incorporated ADI Analytics LLC. Speaking volumes of the ease of doing business in Texas and the United States, I was able to complete the entire process online and I was glad that it took less than an hour acutely aware of the uncertain futures that await new companies. ADI was my second rodeo at building a business, and I was both optimistic and realistic.
Ten years on, I’m deeply grateful to the clients, colleagues, champions, and cheerleaders who’ve enabled ADI to survive, grow, and thrive. We are humbled by the opportunities we’ve had to serve over 100 clients, complete more than 300 projects, acquire another consulting firm’s assets, and grow our services, products, reach, and capabilities.
And, yet, we’ve barely scratched the surface and ADI has a lot more runway for growth which will be our focus going forward. Now, as I think of ADI’s future, there’s more optimism than in 2009 although the realism persists – as any entrepreneur will tell you, it never goes away – but is both buoyed and tempered by what we’ve accomplished as well as where we’ve failed.
Thank you for 10 great years!
In gratitude,
Uday Turaga
Founder & CEO
April 2, 2019